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Rich in trace elements and minerals, adding mixed herbs to your paddock provides added nutritional benefits in their grazing.

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FS Triple H Horse Paddock Grass Seed - with Ryegrass

FS Triple H Horse Paddock Grass Seed - with Ryegrass
Next Day Delivery


  • Horse, Herb and Health - inclusion of palatable herbs high in trace elements and nutrients 
  • Tight-knit sward providing palatable grazing 
  • Can be used for establishing new paddocks or overseeding 

Sowing rate: 12.5kg/ac 
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

40% perennial ryegrass (2 varieties), 25% early perennial ryegrass, 20% strong creeping red fescue, 7.5% timothy, 5% smooth-stalk meadowgrass and 2.5% mixed herbs
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £65.00 £5.20/kg
5-20 Save 5% £61.00 £4.88/kg
21+ Save 10% £58.00 £4.64/kg

FS Triple H Horse Paddock Grass Seed - without Ryegrass

FS Triple H Horse Paddock Grass Seed - without Ryegrass
Next Day Delivery


  • Horse, Herb and Health - inclusion of palatable herbs high in trace elements and nutrients 
  • Ryegrass free mix with lower sugar levels for horses prone to laminitis 
  • Suitable for lighter, drier soil types

Sowing rate: 12.5kg/ac 
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

37.5% strong creeping red fescue, 15% meadow fescue, 20% tall fescue, 10% timothy, 5% hard fescue, 5% cocksfoot, 5% smooth-stalked meadow grass and 2.5% mixed herbs
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £72.00 £5.76/kg
5-20 Save 5% £68.00 £5.44/kg
21+ Save 10% £64.00 £5.12/kg

FS Mixed Herbs Seed Mix

FS Mixed Herbs Seed Mix
Next Day Delivery


  • Contains deep rooting and nutritious species
  • Provides a source of mineral and trace elements
  • Can be sown separately or with grass mixture
Sowing rate: 0.5kg/ac 
Mixture Details

Mixture Details

 30% Sheep's Parsley, 30% Sheep's Burnet, 15% Ribwort Plantain, 10% Fenugreek, 10% Sainfoin, 5% Yarrow  
Pack quantity
Pack Pack Price
1-4 £31.00 £15.50/kg
5-20 Save 5% £29.00 £14.50/kg
21+ Save 10% £27.00 £13.50/kg

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